Many people seeing the title may think I may go in the direction of calling black people slaves, especially since im so critical of my people. I will tackle that slightly but there is a deeper message in the question stated.
Are You A Slave?
You may be a slave to your job.
Many of us are. Many people are undervalued, unappreciated & under paid at their place of employment. Sadly your employer has placed a value for your worth when at any job. Sometimes the pay doesn't equal the whole story. You may go above and beyond at your job and not reap the benefits of proper pay or appreciation. Now i dont believe that any employer should get down and kiss the ass of their employees when they are simply doing their job, but an occasional pat on the back can go a long way for alot of us.
You may be a slave to your relationship.
You may have good loving, but the fear of being alone may make you put up with things that you normally wouldn't. You may have a lover that gets on your nerves, but they cook and clean their ass off and you dont wanna sacrifice that for what may potentially be out there. You may be in an abusive relationship and fear alone enslaves you and keeps you from breaking free of those shackles.
You may be a slave to the trendiness of society.
You may feel the need to have the latest fashions, the newest car, the latest technological gadgets just to feel that you are above a certain class of people. Sadly, if this is the case you have not realized that the media has enslaved you (and quite easily at that). Companies spend millions, maybe billions annually just to have you addicted to the new "thing" that comes out. How many times have you heard of someone standing in line all night waiting for a store to open so they can be first in line to buy the latest iphone, or the newest jordans? Even black friday, a day where people feel like they are getting deals on pricy items, you are actually getting tossed a bone by the master who cosiders you a dog that should get an occasional treat. Some may say that they go above and beyond cause these things make them feel good, but in actuality you are trying to impress others cause envy feels oh so good sometimes.
You may be a slave to your children.
Some may look at that and say yeah right, but if you think about it, its quite possible. There are alot of ungrateful kids out there who recieve the world from their parents. Now its nice to give your kids all the things you never had, but make sure they have one important thing, respect. But back to the point im trying to make, you go above and beyond for your kids if you give a damn anyway. You make sure they are fed, bathed, sheltered, protected. That sounds like a house negro to me. Now i can understand the whole loving someone more than themselves, but if i recall, so was the feeling of the house negro towards his massa (yes, i did that for effect). If you are receiving the love of a kid who is ungrateful and disrespectful most of the time, that is something of the equivalent of a master giving his slaves chicken one day instead of pig intestines. Just to keep em thinking its all good and they really do care about me. This may not be the case for some, but i know quite a few that this is the case.
How do we as a people become free of these shackles that bind us?
Only you can answer that.
Me, i know i like freedom!
The response to this blog can not be in a simple summation being that the topics spoke upon aren’t interrelated; therefore I’ll take them one by one. As far as in a job of course it is very possible to feel like a slave however you’re getting that pay check. Although it may not be what you think your worth, you signed on knowing what you were going to be getting. Many times in life you know that overworked and underpaid might be a circumstance but who doesn’t feel like this at work. That’s why it’s called work. Cause if it were something you really were reaping fulfillment from it probably be a hobby. How I see it a slave is someone doing labor with No rewards and against their will. It’s being completely owned and dominated by someone else. When it comes to a relationship where you say slave in many instances can just be someone’s compromise. Yea a person might get on your nerves but they cook and clean or it could be the opposite you are the best of friends but they can’t cook for shit and are lazy. That doesn’t mean you are a slave, it simply means you made your choice and might feel everyone has pro’s and con’s and think hummmmm… what can I put up with and what cant I? Like the saying “I make the living and he/she makes the living worth while.” I must admit I myself am in a relationship where there are thing’s that I am not too happy with however there are things we share that make up for the things that are a little hard to bare. In an abusive relation it’s more than fear that binds a woman to her abuser, it’s a mental issue. So in this case she is more a slave of her own mind as opposed to the relationship itself. As far as being a slave to the trendiness of society yes there are many who have become controlled by media and the mindset of others. When talking about the being enslaved by ones children, simply ungrateful children are children. They don’t have the mentally capacity to express appreciation or respect unless it is taught. Now whose job is that?
ReplyDeleteLots of relevant points...
Re: relationships
"You may have good loving, but the fear of being alone may make you put up with things that you normally wouldn't."
Define 'what you normally wouldn't put up with'...one man's enslavement could be another man's compromise...if you normally don't cook but your mate enjoys a home cooked meal, is that actually enslavement? Or compromise for the pleasure of your mate?
Re: children
I definitely feel you on this one, and never would've considered it the way you pose it. "If you are receiving the love of a kid who is ungrateful and disrespectful most of the time, that is something of the equivalent of a master giving his slaves chicken one day instead of pig intestines." That's a hefty statement...but at some point, a child reflects respect and dignity from the party(ies) raising them, so if said child is being an asshole, who's responsibility is it to place them in check? Who's job is it to free themselves from 'enslavement'?
Then again...I get the impression that that's what you're getting at...