I will start off by saying I do hate how kids are nowadays to when I was growing up. That may make me sound old, but it is so true. Kids now are in such a rush to grow up more than any other time that I have known or heard in life. Every kid wants a cell phone, and not only a cell phone, they have to have the latest phone. They must have the trendiest clothes and the most expensive gadgets. There isnt much humility with kids now compared to when i was a kid growing up. The appreciation factor isn't there as much. Kids are exposed to much more than when i was a kid. Back when i was much younger, if adults were having a conversation, you were not allowed to listen in. When adults may have passed a child on the street, if they were using foul language, they would curb the curse words until the kid isn't in an ear shot of the conversation. Kids nowadays are dancing to songs more provocatively, they are wanting to enjoy adult things such as sex and inebriation. There was a video on the net that circulated for a little bit about a boy no older than 3 i would say dry humping a grown woman with his penis out. Now some thought it was appalling, but there are similar bad things going on as we speak. Maybe not exactly on the same scale but some things lead to bigger things. If you feel comfortable drinking alcohol around your kid, how can you be mad if they wonder why mommy is leaning in the chair laughing and seeming to have a good time? There are kids smoking weed right now that dont even know how to put together proper sentences. Some parents let these things go on and if someone were to intervene and say something, the parent may get defensive and chastise the adult trying to give advice. If it takes a village, why are some of the parents village idiots? So sad. I dont know if things will turn around, i doubt it honestly. I heard a kid say to his mom, im a grown ass man and you cant tell me shit. Wow. That kid had to be in elementary school at best. I also think that some parents are afraid to discipline their kid out of fear of the judicial system. There has to be an indication between physical discipline and abuse.
Either way, kids are getting out of hand.
I completly agree. Children are treated as "equals" to adults instead of the CHILDREN they are! I have 2 of my own & proud to say my kids will be raised very similarly to the way I was
ReplyDeleteI completely agree, many children these days are extremely out of hand. It seems to get worse with every generation. I believe it is in part because humanity as a whole is getting worse. How does a person with no moral or value system teach a child how to be a good or even respectable person? Now there are parents who do care but are filled with fear. The sad thing about it is many of these parents who are afraid to discipline their children are the same parents who essentially neglect them. They are afraid of setting down ground rules and following up with punishment which in turn becomes enablement for destructive behavior. The many other parents are scared to physically discipline their children because of fear of being arrested but as a parent I believe I speak for many of us when I say shit find ways around it because like the old saying says sparing the rod is spoiling the child. Many people don't know that the laws for child abuse are not federally mandated, they are assigned by states. So in some states u have the right to physically discipline ur child as long as u do not bruise or cause any impairment. Other states there are open hand but no closed fist laws. People need to find out and start laying the smack down when necessary.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about your priorities, to me. Some people do not prioritize raising successful members of society as important to them...they're too busy at the club or 'networking' *raises eyebrows*. It's quite simple: you are NOT your child's friend, you are their PARENT. Simple.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter tells me just about everything, because we are FRIENDLY and she values my opinion. She also has a healthy fear of me, and will tell you in an instant, "my mommy is CRAZY". And not certifiable, institutionalize crazy...simply not to be messed with. Too many of us are busy trying to be our child's friend and forget about being a parent.