In the 70's, 80's and even apart of the 90's, there were many ads and commercials and many community leaders preaching to everyone to Just Say No To Drugs...
...What happened to that?
Drugs are more accepted now than in any time that i can recall in my life. You have young kids smoking weed just because their friends do it (which is usually the case anyway, but its so much more of em now). Prescription pills have made their way into rap songs. You have more politicians admitting to drug use in their past and getting a pass because "we all have experimented" at some point or another.
Since when did inebriation become so cool?
In my opinion, with the rise of hip hop or rap as i still wanna call it, the words of the black man was to glorify drug use because it was apart of the urban lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, other cultures use drugs, but i honestly dont think it was cool to speak on it in a public format before rappers made it popular. I could be wrong, but thats where i pinpoint the trend of actually talking about it openly.
Celebs even make it seem cool to get high. They have made rehab a trendy place to be instead of a place to go for help. They may bounce in and out of rehab and still have a successful career (i.e. Robert Downey Jr.). Sure, America is a forgiving place, but i would think if you are a role model with a possible detremental effect on my children (if i had any) i wouldn't support you.
Its even to the point when someone asks "Do you smoke", in some circles, they automatically assume you're talking about weed. And lets not forget, WEED IS ILLEGAL. So to make the assumption that someone does it because everyone is doing it is kinda ass backwards to me when its supposed to be frowned upon. I have an associate that will not go out to a party, to a girls house, anywhere without getting high first. A step further, he wont date a girl if she doesn't get high as well. Now we are supposed to think this is wrong, but you would be surprised how many people feel the same.
We as a people are not supposed to glorify drug use, for it only destroys the mind, body and your home. We should instead look for alternatives to getting high.
At least if not for you, for the future. Cause the cloud that hovers over our society may get you high...