The age of the Independent woman has made alot more women much more cold, less compassionate. But at the same time, still requiring constant recognition and attention for the things she does. Does that seem equal? I am not one to ignore the many things that women provide to society. There are more single mothers out there than any time in history that i know of . Women are a viable commodity in the workplace and their numbers are growing with each day. Women are no longer just a pretty face to show off, they are in the front of the line, walking and standing tall with men in many facets of society. We have female athletes, female doctors, lawyers, construction workers... just about damn near any position in the work force you can name, women now can proudly occupy it. This is a testament to how far women have come.
But when something is gained, some things start to lack.
There is a large influx of females that say they dont need a man or a family. To each their own but I truly feel the compassion from the female gender is on the decline in quite a few women. I've always stated in many cases that if it doesn't apply, let it fly. I know human beings period can be very defensive.
I have noticed that there is a bit of a role reversal but with confusion.
A friend of mine told me on the way coming back from a date, "If men and women are so independent, why did I have to reach for the check?"
Thats a petty way of thinking in a way, but there is some truth to this statement. In some capacity, women are still wanting to be treated very delicately but then want to wear the proverbial pants. Men are still expected to open doors, pull out chairs, bring flowers and roses as gifts. But there are some women out there that treat men how they think men treat women. Very cold. Callous. I heard a woman 2 days ago cursing her boyfriend (my assumption is that was her boyfriend) out in public, demeaning the poor man. 2 weeks ago, I saw a woman punch some guy in the face cause, and i quote "He wasn't listening to what i was saying". Her words, not mine. Now if he were to lay a hand on her, he is in the wrong. Is that equal?
With the growth of women, are men expected or eventually going to have to take a back seat?
Im not saying that i would expect women to revert to the "Dark ages" when women were expected to stay home and be barefoot and pregnant, but i do say that the evolution of the independent woman can have negative effects on society. Im not referring to the strong women of today, Hillary Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Sarah Palin (even though i dont like her style, she is a powerful woman) but i am referring to the ignorance being spewed by certain women who feel that she can be deceitful to get what she wants. Im quite aware these women have been around since the dawn of time, but the percentages now are staggering. A young kid i know played a song where this artist named Nicki Minaj (maybe you've heard of her) spoke of sleeping with drug dealers to get what she wants. Is this independence? Is this the influence that you want to instill on the future generations? I sure hope not.
Like with anything, progress needs education. I believe the future generations of the strong, independent woman can strive. We just need more people to step up and show that men and women can exist as a cohesive unit. The equality is reached, but we must extend it to both genders. We must blur the statuses that have been set and draw new lines in the sand...
Or get buried in it.
Although I completely agree with u on the basis of blurring statuses, I feel there is no need for drawing new lines in the sand. There should not be lines in the sand. To me that would lead to further restrictions and social constructions. As far as gender equality, equality can be measured differently through many eyes. Just like they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" so is equality. What one person might see as a cohesive unit might be a huge compromise for another. Same as the glass being half empty or half full. It’s all about perspective.
ReplyDeleteThere are many reasons as to why so many women have this sense of independence so you call it. There are the many women who grew up in single parent homes with no father that feel, well my mom did it, I can do it. There are the many women that feel well men do it, so we can do, however, real men need companionship as well. Those men that go around doing what they do demeaning women being so called ‘playas’ are either not happy with themselves and have absolutely no idea how to make someone else happy.
I feel many of the women who claim independence and state "I don't need a man" and "I can handle it all on my own" are putting on a disguise. They are showing the side that makes them either feel stronger or the side they believe makes them look stronger to others, when deep down inside they yearn for compassion and security. This has very much to do with your last blog of individuality. If there might be a chance of society looking and judging them as weaker because they have a need for something they're missing, many pretend that this need does not exist until they begin to believe it themselves. There was a time where I was that woman that said fuck men, and truly felt I didn’t need them, until I fell in love with the most amazing man and realized what I was missing all that time.
I do not believe that either men nor men can truly declare themselves independent. Everyone needs someone; if not financially emotionally and spiritually. Anyone can be financially independent, but still, everyone needs someone.
ReplyDeleteI call myself independent. I hate to ask for anything from anyone and it's hard for me to accept help for something I know that I can do, but everyone needs help of some sort. I am a single mother of three and I love to be able to say that I did this, or I did that on my own. It feels great whn I buy things for my children without their dad's help. I am proud. I am happy and it feels great to be able to. But that is not always the case. It can't always be that way. There are times when I have to ask for help. I could probably do it all on my own, but I may drive myself to an insane asylum. The difference between myself and the women that were spoken about in the blog is that when I make great accomplishments and do things on my own, I don't rub it in or expect a gold star. I do it for me. I feel good about what I am able to do within myself.
I am independent, however, I do like tradition. I like to be romanced. I like to be courted. I enjoy dates and fun with a man the way times used to be. I have absolutely no problem paying for a date but I enjoy being wined and dined ever so often. I like to make a man feel like a man. I know how to stroke a man's ego with the best of them. LOL. I also don't have a problem maintaining a little tradition. I take care of most of what the kids need (food, baths, doc appointments) as long as you make sure there is nothing they need financially. I can make a hot meal every night as long as you make sure there is always something to cook. I can drive the kids where they need to go as long as you make sure my truck has good tires and oil. I can make sure the kids always look their best as long as you are around to see and experience it. I love all that I can do for my kids, but there is only so much one person can do alone. Women can be immense role models for their children and sadly, so many kids only have a mom, but the influence and strength that a man can show a son and the love and esteem a man can give to a daughter is priceless.
Independence is great. I just hope that everyone recognizes their limits.