As with most things that trigger my thoughts, this came from listening to an older gentleman talking to a friend of his about some High School kids walking down the block. The conversation started with the typical saying, "when i was their age...". When i was younger, I would hear those sayings and chalk it up to old people jealous that time passed them by. Now that I've gotten older, I think about those sayings but with how my mind works, i took it to a whole other level. With all the advancements in technology, is evolution in a way possibly ruining society?
Now, one might see this and say, how could that be possible? But if you think about it, it is a relevant topic. Over time, with the advancements in technology, many things have been affected because of it. Some things that you may not have even thought of in the same context.
Sure, who can deny the value of computers, but when the computer was invented, im sure the idea of internet porn wasn't the idea. There is a kid right now, ignoring his studies to chat with a friend online. I have no qualms with social networking (as i stated in a previous blog) but when it interferes with what one has to do, then thats a problem. I will be the first to admit, the internet can be quite addicting. Some that dont use the computer as much as others may still be a victim to the advancements in technology. Video games, television, smart phones... these all have taken the mind of the average person and turned them into a zombie.
Another thing i would like to bring up to validate my topic are the children of today. This is something that has been on my mind since i came of age. There is a point to be made that with the advancement of technology & society, the kids are, for lack of a better term, not kids anymore. Not all, but many of the kids nowadays that i witness are so fresh, so disrespectful that its just not funny. Now i know some may say thats not a fault of evolution, its on the parents. But in a sense, i beg to differ. I will never take the responsibility away from the parents, but there is an expression which i hold true still to this day. It takes a village to raise a child. If your village has children that are raised with values dont equal yours, then do you move from the village or accept the village and the villagers teachings? Most perform the latter, unless in the financial state to do so. The emphasis on fashion & technology is without a doubt more essential to children that in any other time in american history. Its a must to have a phone (smart phone preferably), an ipod, a big flat screen tv in your house and other gagets to verify the fact that you have money. To not have money nowadays seems like a cardinal sin. The values over the generational gaps have changed, and that could be due to technological advances.
Even jobs have been suffering due to evolution. Many people are losing jobs due to cost and time efficient machines. Factory workers for the most part are a dying breed. Eventually, there wont be the need for as many postal workers due to email. Regular mail is considered "snail mail" and people hate sending their mail that way. Retail can eventually suffer as well. You can buy a whole outfit online and eliminate the need to be hassled by sales clerks following you around the store looking for commission. You can even buy food & drinks online. Who's to say that one day, a huge chunk of the population wont even want to go outside?
All these things are debatable, and i would never want to ignore the benefits of technology. Advancements in modern medicine, the eventual search for a clean energy fuel source, space travel, education and more have been part of the boon of technology. Evolution is a constant, something we cannot avoid. We cannot go from crawling, to walking, to sitting down & not doing anything, letting machines do the work for us.
[sidebar] if you havent, check out these movies -
Gamer w/ Gerald Butler
Surrogates w/ Bruce Willis
Any of the Terminator Movies
The Matrix Trilogy
In my opinion, these movies are a possible sign of things to come.
Dont let evolution destroy the world.
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