I have been troubled over the last, i dont know how long. But i will say it has been for quite some time. Over time, there has been alot of females becoming famous for having sex with celebrities. Then they have the nerve (and apparently the right) to call themselves a diva. This, i cannot stand. When i was introduced to the word "Diva", i had to be maybe 6 or 7. Honestly the age i was doesn't matter, the definition is what matters. My impression of a diva is a female that commanded attention and received it. A diva is a female with extraordinary talent and immense beauty that when she walked, the earth would move with her. That i have no problem with. I actually respect that. Nowadays, it seems the title Diva is given to a female that her claim to fame is her sexual exploits. How many females are famous for sleeping with (insert name here) or several gentlemen and getting paid for it. Umm, last i checked that was a prostitute.
My deeper issue is not even with the women that sleep with these men & get famous for it. My issue is with everyone paying attention to them and feeding into their "diva like status". Why should i care about you when in all actuality, you arent talented or have any viable skills. Sexy is one thing, but slutty is another. People rush home after work or after school or after doing nothing just to watch the latest episode of "whatever celeb wants to love a slut" reality show. Now, these females parade themselves around in an ungodly manner all to get whoever to "love" them. I cant fall for that. Now i understand with alot of these shows, people watch it for the drama, but i still feel like it is giving some females more attention than they deserve. Would you wanna know each and every move some slut from your neighborhood is doing? Maybe you do, but i dont!
These females get twitter accounts and have fan pages on facebook and get blogs where they post how to get a man by doing unmentionable things (well, i can mention them, but i choose not to). These women are actually coming out with books and movies and are becoming relevant in today society. Did i miss something? When were we supposed to care? Now i feel if you are famous for having sex, then have more sex on film and we can call you a porn star (or the low budget females, we can just call them porn actresses).
Some may see this as a rant by someone who is jealous or wants fame. Some would go as far as to call me a hater. I disagree with that if thats how you feel about what im saying. Im more of an old school person in the thought that sexual exploits should be no ones business. Now i understand we are all grown, but there should be so much a person knows about your bedroom business. Think about how many females are sitting around listening to their friend talk about how great her man is and how he puts it down in the bedroom. Can you truly be surprised if she makes advances on your man if she doesn't have one or the one she has isn't anywhere close to being a good man like the one you have? Most times, those same females say some bitch (excuse the language) stole her man. How could she have stolen your man when you gave her the blueprint on how to get him? I think back to a song by Salt & Peppa called "None Of Your Business". They speak on if they do this and that and whatever with a guy, its none of your business (obviously). But how could it not be someone's business when you are telling them all about it?
Some women may also say they are empowering themselves and doing a role reversal of sorts cause men have been doing that for years, sleeping with this person and that person. To those women i say, does two wrongs make a right? Arent we supposed to be better as a people and not stoop to the levels of low lives? Maybe thats the way i see it.
I would love to get opinions, please let me know what you think.
I completely agree. I think that people pay attention to many different things that are worthless in today's society. I won't sit here and try to preach since I fall for some of the same things. I cna't help it, it's entertaining, to say the least. It gets old and monotonous, though.
ReplyDeleteI think that if society wasn't so able to be molded, then we wouldn't have issues like these. Society falls for whatever the new phase is, though. Unfortunate enough.
I totally agree with what you have said in this blog. EVERYTHING is a truth that was mentioned. These women are sickening and appalling, not because they are sleeping with them but because they revel in the fame that it has brought them like they worked for it. If THIS is what our daughters are supposed to look up to than we are all screwed beyond belief.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the Monica's of the world. She wouldn't even show her tattoo for years because she knew that she had young women that followed her and didn't want to influence them in a negative way at a young age. This sex sells mentality that the world has is going to be our downfall and we as a people will reap the fruit of our evil.
I hate it when women 'sell out' for fame. I think the sooner we stop feeding into it, stop watching the tv shows that glamorize such appalling behavior, stop listening to the music of women who primarily sing/rap about their sexuality and the men who degrade women, the sooner we will send the message that we love virtuous women. Sad to say but the media doesn't allow some women their deserved fame until they become nude or lewd. After awhile every nude and lewd female begins to glitter like gold. I did my part as much as I could in raising 2 sons, we did NOT watch music videos in our home. We did NOT listen to R&B, Hip-Hop, or rap in the car or at home. We listened to Jazz and Radio Disney. They were able to see their mother did not have a fascination for those images of women and in turn, it gave them a much needed foundation. Eventually (unfortunately) the outside world exposed them to what I tried to shield them from. One son has completely bought into the corrupt ideas about women and one did not. *sigh*