I think there is no clear cut answer to this question, for many women have different personalities ( and express that to men all the time). But i think it does make for a good conversation piece. It is something that i wonder and have wondered about off and on for quite sometime.
To me, human beings are the most exquisite creatures on earth, big or small. There is beauty in each and every individual (yeah, thats coming from me). There are too many people that dont feel comfortable in their own skin, and i mostly find that from big women. Don't get me wrong, i see other females that worry about this and that, but their feelings toward how they look usually pale in comparison to a big woman.
I took a poll on twitter (my information source, lol) and honestly, the number of big girls that feel they love their body is not what i would have thought it to be. But then again, im not sure if these women consider themselves thick or fat. Even with the term "thick", i think that gives too vast (pardon the pun) of a description to someone. I still dont see how one can be 5'6" & 145 pounds and another woman can be 5'7" & 240 and both women consider themselves thick. I truly dont wanna go there on that one tho.
Of course, we can look to the media and say they cater to slimmer women and give the impression that slim is happy, that slim is beautiful. The media makes slim look so attractive, that one cannot help but want to emulate that. It even gets to the point where some big women comment on other big women with such disdain. A couple weeks ago, i overheard a loud woman walking down the street talking on the phone about some fat bitch (her words, not mine) hating on her. Now this woman had to be about 200 pounds or more, so i couldn't imagine what the other woman looks like. I think thats one of the strangest things. That to me is like someone who smokes crack talking badly about someone who shoots up dope (thats a graphic comparison, but i think its warranted). Apples and Oranges. But hey, my long standing motto is, to each their own.
I would love for more women to love who they are without having to feel they need to look or act a certain way. I did receive a tweet from a guy which may sum it up in one sentence... "women aren't satisfied with themselves, even though we may be more than satisfied with them". So, i guess the big girl may envy the slim woman but even if she achieves her ideal weight, she wont be happy. I know this isn't the case for all women, but it is for quite a few of em.
So, when you're thinking about getting in shape for your summer body, remember your summer body and her summer body may not be the same, but they are both beautiful in their own right. Health & happiness is the key. Thats all that should matter in life. Eliminate envy & you will go far in life.
But like i said earlier, i know its easier said than done.